Extremely aggressive annual!
Grows quickly, with a long taproot
Grayish-green plant
Bright yellow flowers with long, sharp spines
Toxic to horses
Not yet known in BC! If you see this plant, report it here
Small freshwater mussel the size of a fingernail
Can produce over 1 million eggs each year
Adults can survive out of water up to 7 days
Damages harbours, lakes, waterways, ships, etc
Not established yet in BC; if you find one, report it here
Perennial aquatic plant
Extensive root system
Forms dense stands below surface in calm water
Spreads by rhizomes and root pieces
Whitish-pink flowers
Green stems triangular in cross-section
Report this plant here
Delivers painful sting when disturbed
Aggressive, swarming ants build high-density colonies in gardens and lawns
Very difficult to eradicate
If you spot these ants outside the Lower Mainland/ Vancouver Island, report them here
Can grow to 1m tall
Fetid-smelling leaves, up to 20cm long and 15cm wide
Flowers are cream with purple throats
A single plant can produce up to half a million seeds
Toxic to most mammals!
Prohibited species in BC; report occurrences here
Very large, robust frog with large golden eyes
Often submerged so only eyes are visible
Will eat anything it can fit in its mouth (birds, snakes, fish, and native frogs)
Found in Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, and South Okanagan
Perennial with deep taproot; known as "The vine that ate the South"
Spreads by runners, rhizomes, and seeds
Is spreading through southeastern US at rate of 150,000 acres/yr.
Not yet in BC; if you see this plant, report it here
Significant threat to salmon in Fraser Basin
20-38 cm long with slender, streamlined body and broad tail
Aggressive predator; eats native fish, insects, young snakes and turtles,etc
Don't move these fish to new locations!
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